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Live Easy Buddies

Imagine having the expertise, skills and assistance from dozens (or even hundreds) of professionals but only ever having to deal with one person? That’s Live Easy. Or more specifically, that’s the Live Easy Buddy.

Our Buddies are our secret weapon. They are what separates us from the pack – and we love them for it. We are incredibly selective with our buddies and we only accept people who LIVE to help others.

Your Live Easy Buddy offers assistance in many areas, but becomes your lifestyle concierge when specialist or more specific tasks are required. You tell us what you need and when and the Live Easy Buddy does the rest – setting up a schedule, liaising with the experts and then making sure the job is done correctly.

Even better, your Live Easy Buddy will be always be there the first time you meet one of our trusted expert – that’s our No Strange Guarantee. 

So, what makes them so great?


A Single Contact

Core to what we offer is the comfort you get from having a single point of contact. Not a faceless case manager, not a different person turning up each week, not a phone line with twenty options, none of which make any sense. Your Buddy is your go to person and it is their number in your phone. They are it.*


A Familiar Face

You will get to know your Buddy as well as they know you. They are humble, caring folk who choose to serve the needs of elderly people. But they’re just like you too. They have families and loved ones and stories and interests. Fundamental to the success of Live Easy is the idea that a strong bond be built between Buddy and client.


No Stranger Policy

We want you to feel safe and reassured whenever you receive assistance. That is why we have a policy that if any new service providers or tradespeople knock on your door they will be accompanied by your Live Easy Buddy. The Buddy will make the introduction, explain things clearly and then follow up to make sure the job was done to our high standards.


Just Good People

Our buddies receive extensive training to help them cater to all your specific needs. That is crucial to our success. But just as crucial is our stringent recruitment process, where we working very hard to make sure we only accept good people. That is why, to date, we have hired mainly people we already through our extensive care network.


Rapid Response 

Another Live Easy policy is the 90 minute callback. Our buddies might service several clients and so won’t always be able to answer their phone straight away. But if they are unavailable at any point, you can always expect a callback within 90 minutes! It’s in the job description – and it’s what a Buddy does!

Live Easy Female Buddy

* Yes, they’re entitled to holidays the same as everyone else, but during that brief time they prepare an incredibly capable temporary replacement – who you will have already met!

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